Incredibly, they were still able to get something done. The majority have finished the projects and are focusing on the first major essay on what's important in their lives. We spent one class talking about revising vs. editing, and then we looked at a model opening and closing from a National Geographic article and wrote an opening based on the model. I shared Betty Flowers's model of the writer as madman, architect, carpenter, and judge, and I was surprised and pleased when they began talking about themselves that way as they worked on their writing: "Mrs. Shrum, I think I need to be the madman for awhile because I have to create some more writing in this paragraph."
Everyone is officially finished reading and watching The Outsiders, and Core 1 and 3 are working on their sequel assignment. Not only are they showing their comprehension of the novel and the author's style, but they are wanting to know how to punctuate quotes and how to create a first-person narrative. They are touching on many of our eighth grade English SOLs without knowing it. I am asking students to allow me to print a hard copy of their sequel when they're finished so we can share them with Mrs. Voigt's students and between classes. All three classes also learned the word "plaintive" Friday as we began our next round of vocabulary study.
Core 2 is almost at the end of act II of Hamlet. Their comprehension of the play and Shakespeare's language has grown, and many said they no longer need to rely as much on reading online commentaries to understand their assignments. I've been assigning short passages with questions to reflect on, then we watch the various interpretations on film. On Friday, I showed them Ethan Hawke's for the first time, and they really disliked it. They didn't feel it translated well to the modern age.
Encore is still reading Babe and Me, and ECO read and discussed the job of fiber technician that's currently open at Shentel and watched some videos on becoming one. They are also working on creating career board games, but that's been difficult because of a number of absent students this week. We read a skit about a job interview, discussed what a resume is, and then read some terrible answers given during actual job interviews.